1st Michigan Infantry

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History of the 1st Michigan Infantry

Coming soon.


Coming soon!

Roster of Men of the 1st - Links to Photos of Men where known - Growing Now

Field and Staff Company A Company B Company C
Company D Company E Company F Company G
Company H Company I Company K Unassigned Men

Graves of the 1st Michigan Infantry

Field and Staff Company A Company B Company C
Company D Company E Company F Company G
Company H Company I Company K Unassigned Men


Links Related to the 1st Michigan

1st Michigan Flag

Follow this link to the part of our page on Michigan's Battle Flags dedicated to the flags of the 1st Michigan. http://www.allmichigancivilwar.com/flags.html#1stinfantry

Books about the 1st Michigan

Arming Michigan's Regiments: 1862-1864 - Compiled by James G. Genco Privately published in 1982, this is a compilation of Quarterly Ordnance reports and gives us a good view of what the 1st MI is carrying, company by company
Small Arms Used by Michigan Troops in the Civil War - Edited by Donald F. Kigar This book is part of the Centennial Commission Books. It is a great reference on what regiment was carrying what weapon throughout the war. It will cover, generally, dates that the Genco book above doesn't.