History of the 1st Michigan Infantry
Coming soon.
Coming soon!
Roster of Men of the 1st - Links to Photos of Men where known - Growing Now
Field and Staff | Company A | Company B | Company C |
Company D | Company E | Company F | Company G |
Company H | Company I | Company K | Unassigned Men |
Graves of the 1st Michigan Infantry
Field and Staff | Company A | Company B | Company C |
Company D | Company E | Company F | Company G |
Company H | Company I | Company K | Unassigned Men |
Links Related to the 1st Michigan
1st Michigan Flag |
Follow this link to the part of our page on Michigan's Battle Flags dedicated to the flags of the 1st Michigan. | http://www.allmichigancivilwar.com/flags.html#1stinfantry |
Books about the 1st Michigan
Arming Michigan's Regiments: 1862-1864 - Compiled by James G. Genco | Privately published in 1982, this is a compilation of Quarterly Ordnance reports and gives us a good view of what the 1st MI is carrying, company by company | |
Small Arms Used by Michigan Troops in the Civil War - Edited by Donald F. Kigar | This book is part of the Centennial Commission Books. It is a great reference on what regiment was carrying what weapon throughout the war. It will cover, generally, dates that the Genco book above doesn't. | |